This is what I want. If I don't get it sometime soon, expect riots and bottle throwing.
You think that I'm kidding about this? I haven't wanted something this bad, well, ever. Ok, I take that back. I would really love to live in Manhattan and have a thriving career. But since that doesn't seem to be working out too well for me, I'll take this phone in the meantime.
Steve Jobs had me at hello (or would that be iHello? I crack myself up sometimes). And then he continued to have me through the entire explanation of his new toys. I don't really understand it, perse, and I'm not 100% sure that I can use this phone with Verizon, but I'll be damned if I don't get one as soon as they are available.
I dare you to try and stop me, withering bank account. Bring it on, overdue credit card bills. I refuse to be denied this one thing*.
*ten points to whoever can tell me where that line is from. hint: television show.
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