Tuesday, October 03, 2006

My fan club

As of yet, there isn't one. But if you would like to become a member, you should.

I figure that I'm going to be a big deal at some point, so why not hop on the bandwagon now before it gets really crowded? I feel as though we need t-shirts. My friend Emilie will be the main design person, as she has already come up with a fabulous idea. Picture your typical Che Guevara t-shirt that all the angry kids wear but really don't know who he even is. Now, picture my face on that shirt. Yeah, it's gonna be huge.

I'm hoping to have my own reality tv show in which the cameras follow me and I comment on the daily goings-on of my life. Now, to be fair, not much goes on in my life so it won't be a huge hit. More of a sleeper. I can already picture it. It'll be like the movie "EdTV"but with much less excitement. This already sounds like an instant classic to me.

So get ready for me. It's gonna be huge.