I've just given you a small taste of what happens when a cool new song, with a snazzy title, hits the airwaves. We all become morons and continually place it in our conversations. I won't plead innocent to I have recently changed my phone-ringer to Mr. Timberlake's new classic.
Just thought that it needed to be pointed out that no one has any sense of individuality right now. For instance: myspace. People change their display names on myspace to be all cool and have a unique identity, i get it. That's how you can tell how cool I am- my display name reads as follows: "ashley." But when everyone and their mom changes their display name to "sexy back," or "Jane [is bringing sexy back]," it makes me realize the utter lack of creativity currently plaguing the good ol' usa.
Now that I've said my peace, I'm off to go salivate at the video for "Sexy Back" and play my ring-tone over and over again.

ps- this picture is so strange that I had to include exactly does that bring any sort of sexy back anywhere?
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