Thursday, August 31, 2006

Donna Martin can finally graduate!!

  • My dreams have finally come the form of a dvd box set!
  • If you are a child of the 90's, then you realize what a huge deal this is: 90210 is FINALLY coming out on dvd.

    Now we can re-watch our favorite episodes- when Brenda and Dylan consummate their relationship at the prom, when Brandon meets Emily Valentine, that time that Kelly got raped...and shot...and caught in a burning house...and was attacked by her single white female-esque stalker. Good ol' Kelly Taylor.

    Life is good.

    (The best part of this picture is not the prominent sideburns or the fact that everyone is dressed so, well, cool. No. It's the fact that there is a banner, in Russian, on the bottom. I can only imagine that it reads as follows: "Capitalist children will soon reap what they have sown. Long live the Revolution!")

    Wednesday, August 30, 2006

    Don't know if you knew this....

    ...but I'm bringing sexy back.


    I've just given you a small taste of what happens when a cool new song, with a snazzy title, hits the airwaves. We all become morons and continually place it in our conversations. I won't plead innocent to I have recently changed my phone-ringer to Mr. Timberlake's new classic.

    Just thought that it needed to be pointed out that no one has any sense of individuality right now. For instance: myspace. People change their display names on myspace to be all cool and have a unique identity, i get it. That's how you can tell how cool I am- my display name reads as follows: "ashley." But when everyone and their mom changes their display name to "sexy back," or "Jane [is bringing sexy back]," it makes me realize the utter lack of creativity currently plaguing the good ol' usa.

    Now that I've said my peace, I'm off to go salivate at the video for "Sexy Back" and play my ring-tone over and over again.

    ps- this picture is so strange that I had to include exactly does that bring any sort of sexy back anywhere?

    Sunday, August 27, 2006

    Adopt Me!

    Ever wonder what it would be like if you were adopted by a famous family? I often wonder what it would be like if only to escape the day to day crazy that goes along hand-in-hand with my own family.

    Here's my personal wishlist of who I want to be adopted by...

    The Simpsons- All that the South has to offer, according to me. The creepy sexual overtones from Poppa Joe directed towards Ashleeeee (I add extra e's to prove the point that she is mocking the sanctity of the name) and Jessica completely creeps America out. So much so that I think it's time that I threw my hat in and gave a report from the frontlines of indecency. I can be present for all father-daughter spats and I'll hastily slip out of the room for their make-up kissfest.

    Whitney and Bobby- After the intial search for a wiretap on my person, I'm sure the Houston-Brown clan will be welcoming and even happy to have me there. It'll remind them of the beginning of their relationship when Bobby introduced Whitney to crack. They can teach me all about proper pipe cleansing, which rocks you avoid and which you smoke immediately upon purchase, and how to be a Black Hebrew. I'll have to decline the trip to Israel for baptism...I hear things are a bit dodgy there right now.

    The Cruise Clan- How great/creepy would that be? First off, I'd quell all rumors regarding the existence of one Suri Cruise (my money says she was bought on the blackmarket for a pretty penny once Tom realized he couldn't sleep with Katie...cause he's gay). We would stay up all night talking about Scientology, aliens, and L. Ron Hubbard. JOY! Once we were all comfortable with one another, we would have a weekly "family night" where we would play games and talk about our days. Eventually, they will no longer need to pretend they have a daughter named "Suri" when they have a perfectly good one named Ashley.

    In future posts I will discuss more famous families that I want to join. Until then, guess I'm gonna have to deal with my less-famous, intriguing family that I have now.

    Saturday, August 26, 2006

    This could be the greatest thing ever....or the saddest.

    Please read and laugh as necessary:

    Thursday, August 24, 2006

    Will Work For Interview

    So I guess that I forgot to mention that I take a 2-3 month hiatus during the summer. Consider it my very own summer vacation, only with less sleep and more kids. I have worked at a summer camp for the past 8 years, which has provided me with some of the best memories that I will ever have but also with some of the most sleep deprived years that I will never get back. Working at a camp is great....working at my camp was awesome.

    But, on the down side, I still have to field the question: "When are you going to get a real job?" I'm totally serious when I say that that question NEVER gets old. You see, getting up at 7:45 and working straight through 11:30 at night is definitely not MY definition of a real job. No, sitting at a desk and zoning out for a good 2 hours everyday is way more respectable than what I did. I will gladly point out that my job may have been way more fun than yours. We had a carnival, dances, sports days, water days...all sorts of stuff like that. So yes, I worked at a summer camp this summer and had a great time.

    Now it's back to the "grind" as I like to call it. Only problem is, I've fallen out of the "grind." I don't have a job and I have to make the effort to find one. I kindof just wish that there was a way that I could find a job and take it. No interviews, no waiting impatiently for a week to hear back...just give me the job. In the spirit of my wish, I would like to be famous. Paris Hilton did it without having any redeeming qualities...why can't I? I'm way funnier, a lot shorter, and not as much of a whore. I think that is more than enough qualification for the job. So next time you hear from me, I'll be releasing my new single, getting engaged to some Greek guy, and will start a really dumb feud with my best friend.