Cruising through the channel guide tonight and I noticed that tv has gone to hell. Case in point: the made-for-tv movie on Fox Family, "Karate Dog." That's right...a dog. A dog that does...karate. Where are the Full Houses and Perfect Strangers of yore?
Tv is just bad nowadays. If I see one more version of "CSI", I might vomit. Honestly, CSI:Miami, CSI:Las Vegas, CSI:Shut the hell up. I want something simple like "Columbo". Gimme a guy in a trenchcoat who pretends to be dumb...only to outsmart the criminals in the end. That's good tv.
And did I just read somewhere that "7th Heaven" might actually continue for another season on the fake CW network? Huh? I thought that show was over about 8 years ago. Apparently, its been on for about 10 years. Great. In my heart of hearts, I secretly hoped that no one actually watched that show. Sadly, it looks like I was wrong.
We need to turn things around. We need some fresh thinking and a new outlook for prime-time shows. I think we are overlooking a serious niche that was once capitalized upon in the late 80's and 90's: shows about male nannies. Don't know if you realize, but there were three very popular shows back in the day that were about male nannies/housekeepers. I guess this was in response to the "return" of women in the workforce. Way to break through that glass ceiling, mom!
So let's reminisce for a second about three of my favorites: "Mr. Belvedere," "Who's the Boss," and "Charles in Charge." Classics, to say the least. I loved Mr. Belvedere. A fat, British man becomes the housekeeper for a brash, American family? Culture clash = great comedy. Same goes for "Who's the Boss?" An ex-boxer and his tonboy daughter from Brooklyn moving in with a proper, WASP family in CT? Say WHAT?!?! But let us not forget the greatest of all the man/woman role-reversal comedies: "Charles in Charge." He could be in charge of my days...and my nights....of my wrongs...and even of my rights. (Is it obvious that I had a bit of a crush on the Baio?)
In conclusion, I just want to say that tv has gone to crap. I need some good, laugh-track laden comedies where all problems can be solved in 22 minutes. Say NO to "Karate Dog."
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